Double Helix is a live wallpaper and daydream that features an immersive 3D scene with a stylized version of DNA molecules. Swiping the screen shifts the viewpoint and subtly stirs the particles.
It is built on the libGDX game framework, and uses several custom OpenGL ES shaders to produce the translucent glass material, blurred background, chromatic aberration, and particle depth-of-field transitions.
If you like it, check out the premium version. It has options for setting the scene color (can be linked to battery level) and film-grain, scan-line, and vignette effects.
Double Helix是一款动态壁纸和白日梦,具有沉浸式3D场景以及程式化的DNA分子版本。滑动屏幕会改变视点,并巧妙地搅动粒子。
它基于libGDX游戏框架构建,并使用多个自定义OpenGL ES着色器来生成半透明的玻璃材质,背景模糊,色差和粒子景深过渡。